Friday, October 26, 2018

Week of October 22 - 26, 2018

Be a Buddy! Not a Bully!

As a follow up to our class trip to Lankenau Education Center, the students completed a Be a Buddy, Not a Bully workbook.  Then they role played various strategies to use if they are being bullied.  
Strategy:  "Walk Away"

Strategy:  "Ignore It"

Strategy: "Team Up"

Pumpkin Patch Writing

Take a peek at the 3rd Grade's Pumpkin patch.  Each student created their own foam pumpkin and then wrote a descriptive piece containing telling, asking, commanding, and exclaiming sentences.  
Who is that masked pumpkin?


Multiplication Tables

Times Tables the Fun Way Book for Kids:  A Picture Method of Learning the Multiplication Facts

Our class is reading this book to help learn the multiplication facts in a new and creative way.  Knowing the basic multiplication tables will be important when studying long division, money, fractions, geometry, etc.  Here is a short video explaining the benefits of Times Tables the Fun Way! 

Monday, October 29th - GoMath! Parent Information Night - MPR 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, October 31st  - Halloween Mission Party - Dismissal at 12:00 p.m.

Tuesday, November 6th - Election Day!  No school for Students

Thursday, November 15th - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00 - 7:45 p.m.

Friday, November 16th - Parent/Teacher Conferences 7:30 - 11:45 a.m.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Week of October 15 - 19, 2018

Third Grade is Going Batty
The Stealth Stars reading group learned the basics of how to write a research paper.  After reading the story, Bat Loves the Night, each student researched a bat of their choosing.  Using their personal Chromebooks, they made notes about their bat's habitat, adaptations, and general description.  Afterwards, they used their notes to write a bat research paper and draw a bat illustration.

Quinn is learning all about the Egyptian Fruit Bat.
Legend is sketching a picture of a Long-Tongue Nectar Bat.  
Sanjay is writing his final copy about Vampire bats.  
Jude writes his research paper about Flying Fox bat.

Ava is researching the Kitti's Nosed Hog Bat.
Emily shows off her Pipistrelle bat project.  

Lankenau Hospital Healthy Living Field Trip

Who is Pandora?  How many bones are in the body?  What is the name of the largest organ of your body? 

The class knows the answers to these questions after visiting the Lankenau Hospital Education Center. They also attended a Be a Buddy, Not a Bully workshop.  They learned what to do if they are a target of a bully and how to be a friend in order to stop bullying.  

Learning about Pandora
Buddies, not bullies!

Jude is learning that is hard to bully when you are up against many friends.  
Legend is role playing how to stand up to a bully. 


HCA Celebrates Foundress Day
To celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the first Holy Child school in England on October 13th and the first time Holy Child nuns celebrated Mass in the U.S. on October 15th, the Lower School had their annual Foundress Day Games.  The 1st - 4th Grades enjoyed playing a Australian Ball, Potato on a Spoon Relay, Scooter Relay, and Soccer Dribble.  



Tuesday, October 23rd - Bring in $1.00 and wear Free Dress.  All proceeds from free dress money and bake sale go to the Alzheimer's Association.  

Wednesday, October 31st - Halloween Mission Party (1/2 day of school)

Friday, October 12, 2018

Week of October 8 - 12. 2018

We're Flipping for Grammar 

We have been learning about Types of Sentences in Grammar class this month.  The children played a fun game to review the four types of sentences.  Here they are playing the Grammar dice game.  


Math Geniuses
The Golden Pups Math Group have a ball playing an original Multiplication Concentration math game created by THEM!  

Here are the Rainbows Math Group students working on their personal Chromebooks to create their own Pictographs.  


Caught in A Web of Couplets
If you travel down the Lower School hallway, be careful not to get caught in the 3rd Grade's poetry web.  After studying the poetic pattern and meter of couplets, the students wrote their own original Halloween themed couplets.  

Quinn, Jude, Anaya, and Nyla are getting "caught up" in their Poetry Web. 

Legend's Couplet

Kayden's Couplet

Willow's Couplet

Dates to Remember

Wednesday, Oct. 31 - Halloween Mission Party (1/2 day of school)

Watch this video about the Holy Child Mission located in the Dominican Republic.  Proceeds from this year's party will go to this worthwhile Mission.  

Friday, October 5, 2018

Week of October 1 - 5, 2018

Relaxing with a Good Book!

Every Cycle Day 5, the class visits the school library.  The children love the opportunity to look through the shelves and find a new book each week.  Afterwards, they enjoy curling up with their book for some quiet time to read.



 We are a Bucket Filling Classroom!

To encourage empathy and kindness for others, the Third Graders are going to be “bucket fillers” this year.  We read the book by Carol McCloud which
encourages positive behavior by using the concept of an invisible bucket to show children how rewarding it is to express kindness and appreciation by "filling buckets.”  We are so excited to check our “buckets” on Friday to see if we have notes from our classmates.


Kayden is checking his bucket!
Look at Emily's big smile!



Look at our smiles!  Our buckets are overflowing with kind compliments for one another.  

Recess Fun!

The Lower School children are very fortunate to have two recess periods each day. “Recess represents an essential, planned respite from rigorous cognitive tasks. It affords a time to rest, play, imagine, think, move, and socialize.”
(From the American Academy of Pediatrics - Policy Statement - The Crucial Role of Recess in School)

Here are some fun things your children do at recess each day!

October Dates to Remember

Monday, October 8th - School Holiday
Wednesday, October 10th - Individual Pictures - Free Dress
Thursday, October 11th - Class Photo Day - Wear school uniform
Friday, October 12th - Lankenau Field Trip for Grades 1, 2, & 3
Wednesday, October 31 - Halloween Mission Party (1/2 Day of School)

Watch this video about the Holy Child Mission located in the Dominican Republic.  Proceeds from this year's party will go to this worthwhile Mission.