Friday, March 13, 2020

Week of March 9, 2020

Upper Darby Fire Department Visit

Last week, the UDFD came to read to the Lower School classrooms.  Students enjoyed hearing a story, Cosmo's Moon, from Firefighter Ethan. A big thank you to these brave firefighters, heroes of our community.  


Constellation Stories
We have been learning about the stars and constellations in our Solar System science unit.   Each student wrote an original folktale about the creation of a new constellation.  





"What Does God Look Like?"

In Unit 2, students explored the different characteristics and mysteries of God. They learned these different characteristics and mysteries from Scripture, Tradition, and the visible world around them. 

At the conclusion of each chapter, students created a portrait of God that included the characteristic or mystery from that chapter. Since no one knows what God looks like with certainty, students used their imaginations and creativity. These portraits were compiled into a portrait album called, "What Does God Look Like?"

Stop the Spread of Germs!

Lights, Camera, Action!
Four of our students in 3rd Grade are in Frozen Jr.  Come out to see them perform on Friday and Saturday!!   Way to go girls!


Our two Character Trait winners this week were Joseph and Scout.  Each chose to bring a "Fuzzy Friend" to school.

March 21 - 29 - Spring Break!
April 3 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (P.M.)
April 4 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (A.M.) - No School for students

Friday, March 6, 2020

Week of March 2, 2020

Science is Fun!

To conclude our study of the circulatory system, the class made.... Blood!  Students learned the four components of blood are plasma, platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells.  Combining yellow colored water, small straws, marshmallows, and red colored cheerios, they created a model of  "blood.  



Cup Stacking

The class enjoyed learning how to do competitive cup stacking in P.E. class this week.  Thanks to Mrs. Mosser for arranging this special activity with Speed Stacks.   Please take a look at her blog for more pictures and videos of this fun activity.  



 This week's Character Counts student was Bella.  She faithfully exhibits the many pillars of good character and chose the "Lunch with a Buddy" award.  Bella and Emi ate lunch in the Spanish room with Senora Vintimilla.  

March 13 & 14 - Frozen Jr. Performances
March 21 - 29 - Spring Break!
April 3 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (P.M.)
April 4 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (A.M.) - No School for students