Friday, November 13, 2020

Week of November 9 - 13, 2020

 Prefix Turkeys

After studying words containing prefixes, students created their own Prefix turkeys.  Do you know what the prefixes Dis-, Re-, Non-, and Un- mean?  The Third Grade does!!

Gabe and Matthew were our Character Trait winners this week.  Gabe chose to bring his "Fuzzy Friend" to school and Matthew did a "Seat Swap."

STEAM Class Coding

The class used an online program called Scratch to create codes to make their pictures move.  Students had lots of fun!


  • Parents - please fill out Pick Up patrol every morning, even if your child will not be attending school that day.

  • As part of initiatives to keep our students well, we ask that snacks and lunches contain minimal sugar.  Students may not bring SODA to school. 

  • The STEAM Lab is cold.  Students are encouraged to have HCA sweatshirt or blazers over their uniforms on STEAM days. 

  • New spirit wear link. 20% off until November 15th

Friday, November 6, 2020

Week of November 3 - 6, 2020


Students are having fun and practicing math skills while using the Prodigy Math site.  It is a fun and interactive way for 3rd Graders to study math concepts.  It is getting rave reviews...

Gabe says, "I play it everyday because it is so much fun and you can do lots of math and can rescue pets at the same time."

Alexa says, "It's really fun because I didn't know you can combine math with games and you can customize your character."

Click here for the link to Prodigy Math

Election Day!

After reading the story, Lillian's Right to Vote, the class discussed the struggles of black women and their right to vote in the United States.  The story is about an elderly African American woman, who is en route to vote, and is remembering her family’s turbulent voting history.  
Also, students learned about the election process and had a mock election.  The candidates were pizza, hamburger, and ice cream.  The winner was PIZZA!!

 Lillian's Right to Vote book

Putting our Ballots in the Ballot Box

Cora was our Character Counts winner this week.  She consistently shows traits of Citizenship, Caring, and Respect.  Cora choose "Job Swap" with Miles and was the Line Leader for the day.