Friday, December 18, 2020

Week of December 14 - 18, 2020

 Stockings Were Hung by the Chimney with Care

Third Grade made paper stockings to hang on the hallway fireplace. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Crazy as a Fox...

As we continue our study of Figurative Language, students wrote their own original Christmas themed similes.  

The World Needs More Letters
The Lower School gathered for an Advent prayers service.  The theme was JOY.  In preparation for the prayer service, each 3rd Grader wrote a letter to a person living in an assisted living community.  The letters were brought to the prayer service and received a blessing before they were mailed off.  

Spanish Class

Students leaned how to say their family members names and titles in Spanish.  They introduced their families to their classmates by telling who they are and their names.  


  • Christmas Break - December 19, 2020 - January 4, 2021

  • Book and Supply Pick-Up - Monday, January 4, 2020 (No School for Students)

  • Virtual Learning - January 5 - 8, 2021

  • Return to In-Person Learning - Monday, January 11, 2021

  • Please have students check their school supplies.  Restock scissors, pencils, and other supplies as needed so students are prepared for lessons.  They should have all their supplies organized for each day of school.

  • Photo Day - January 27, 2020 (more information will follow)

Friday, December 11, 2020

Week of December 7 - 11, 2020

 Visit from St. Nicholas

Students were excited to put their shoes in the hallway and eagerly awaited St. Nicholas' visit to HCA. 

Loving God,

than you for St. Nicholas

who shows us a good way to live.

He fed the hungry,

freed the imprisoned,

cared for those in need, 

and told people about Jesus. 

Make us brave, loving , and strong,

so that. like St. Nicholas, 

we may love and serve you

as we help those in need,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Festival of Hanukkah

Third Grade had a special "virtual" visit from Cora's grandmom, Mrs. Selkowitz to learn about the celebration of Hannakuh.  They heard a story, played a trivia game and Bingo, and made a paper menorah craft.  They especially liked learning about the dreidel game and getting their own little bag of gelt.  

This week’s Character Trait winners were Alana, Alexis, Jaden, & Miles. These students showed the traits of responsibility, perseverance, and caring for others. Congratulations to all of you!!

Alexis with Toothless, her furry friend

Job Swap for Jaden

Seat Swap for Miles

  • Friday, December 18th is a 12:00 PM dismissal

  • Christmas Break - December 19, 2020 - January 5, 2021

  • Please have students check their school supplies.  Restock scissors, pencils, and other supplies as needed so students are prepared for lessons.  They should have all their supplies organized for each day of school.