Friday, April 30, 2021

Week of April 26 - 30, 2021

 Bird Food Feeders

Third Grade Planeteers continue to serve their environment.  This week they made bird feeders by reusing paper towel rolls, covering them with honey and rolling them into birdseed.  They distributed them in the bushes around the school property.

-May is Asian and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month. If you have ideas or suggestions for our celebrations for those months, please email

-Next week is CTP5 Testing: Tuesday - Thursday - Get a good night's sleep and have a healthy breakfast each day.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Week of April 19 - 23, 2021


 Religion Class 

In honor of Earth Day, the 3rd grade is learning about how they are called to be stewards of God's creation. A steward is someone who takes care of something. In regard to our faith, it means taking care of the gifts God has given us. One such gift is creation. There are, however, many human actions that can harm creation. To help students visualize this, they participated in an oil-spill experiment. Students observed what happens to the water and bath toys (which represented marine life) when an oil spill occurs. Students recorded their observations and considered how difficult it would be to clean up the oil. We then discussed how stewardship involves using natural resources, like oil from fossil fuels, wisely and responsibly so as not to harm creation in the process.

Waste - Free Lunch
Students visited classrooms and hung up Waste Free Lunch posters to remind the school about our special Earth Day initiative.

Litter Walk
The Planeteers enjoyed the fresh spring air while helping the environment by participating in a litter walk around the HCA school community.  

  • Students in 3rd through 8th grade will be taking the CTP5 exam the week of May 3rd. Miss Hoffman will send a letter home with details about the testing next week.

  • Looking forward, May is Asian and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month. If you have ideas or suggestions for our celebrations for those months, please email

Friday, April 16, 2021

Week of April 12 - 16, 2021

Earth Day Poetry

April is poetry month.  Students learned about the form of diamante poetry.  Each student wrote a diamante poem with a Earth Day theme.  













Nature Scavenger Hunt

As an extension activity to our weekly reader story, A Tree is Growing, Third Grade went on a nature walk trying to identify trees, plants, and seeds.  When we returned to the classroom, students reflected on their experience in their writing journals.  

  • School Wide - Waste Free Lunch on April 22nd. Celebrate Earth Day!

  • Since we will be engaging in Earth Day activities on Thursday, 4/22, students can wear their gym uniform.

  • Autism Awareness and Acceptance Tag Day- Friday, April 23 (not final but will be by Fri) . Please bring in $1 and wear blue. Money raised will go to (not final but will be by Fri)

  • April is Arab American Heritage Month. If you or someone you know would be willing to share with a class, a division , or multiple groups to enhance our celebration in any way, please email , and we will make it as easy as possible. 

  • Looking forward, May is Asian and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month. If you have ideas or suggestions for our celebrations for those months, please email