Welcome to Ms. Karapalides!
The Third Grade loves having Ms. Dee Karapalides join us each Tuesday and Thursday morning. Ms. Karapalides is an HCA alumni and is currently in her Junior year at St. Joseph's University. She is an Elementary Education major and is observing our reading and math groups each week.
Writing in Sequence (and cursive!)
Students wrote, in cursive, the steps to a process in reading class. Original topics included: How to Make a Basket in Basketball, How to Bake Cupcakes, How to Go Fishing, and How to Make a Paper Airplane.

Partner Activity
Working with a partner, students sequenced the story, Bat Loves the Night, from their Journeys reader.
This week's Character Counts winners were Kent and Marianne. They exhibited responsibility and good citizenship. Kent choose the "Pillow Pet" award and got to spend the day with his comfy pillow from home. Marianne choose the "Show and Tell" award and shared something special with the class. Congratulations, Kent and Marianne!
Kent enjoys completing his seat work with his pillow pal.
Marianne shares her Scorpion with the class.
Parent/Teacher Conference on Thursday, November 11 and Friday, November 12
There is no school on Friday, November 12
To honor our veterans, Student Council is selling American flags. Please see the form here to purchase a flag for your veteran.
Tuesday, November 23 - 1/2 Day of School - Thanksgiving Prayer Service
Wednesday, November 24 - Sunday, November 28 - Thanksgiving Break!