Third Graders are busy bees....
Members of the "Golden Pups" math group working together on a challenge multiplication paper.
Willow is carefully practicing her cursive handwriting. What form!
HCA Band Demonstrations
Mr. Norton, HCA Band Director held a band demonstration with some of his students to encourage children in Grades 3 & 4 to begin taking band lessons this year. Here are some photos from the session.
The 3rd & 4th Graders watched and and listened intently during the Band Demo.
Our very own, Sanjay, played a short musical piece on the flute for his classmates.
Friendship Traits
As part of a class Guidance lesson, the students identified the traits of a good friend.... "is a good listener," "offers me help on a math problem," and "stands up for me." After watching the video, How Full is Your Bucket? for Kids, the students worked with partners on their "Pick a Good Friend" worksheet.
Student buddies working together!!
What makes a good friend? Listen to Ava, Jude, Willow explain what they look for in a friend.
Science Fun!

We have begun our Animal Classifications and Adaptations unit in science this year. After playing the online game, "Animals that Belong,", the children worked in pairs to categorize animal cards. They brainstormed possible classifications and then sorted the cards. Look how well they worked cooperatively together!
Working together to classify animals!
The finished products!!