Friday, September 21, 2018

Week of September 17 - 21, 2018

We have completed our first couple weeks of school.  Sometimes children have difficulty answering the question, "How was your day?"  Here are some suggestions on some questions to ask your child to get the conversation going.....

  1. What made you smile today?
  2. Can you tell me an example of kindness you saw/showed? 
  3. Was there an example of unkindness? How did you respond?
  4. What was the book about that your teacher read?
  5. What did you do that was creative?
  6. What is the most popular game at recess?
  7. What was the best thing that happened today?
  8. Did you help anyone today?
  9. Did you tell anyone “thank you?”
  10. What made you laugh?
  11. Did you learn something you didn’t understand?
  12. Who inspired you today?

September Fun

Our class theme is "Be a Special Agent."  The children worked together to decode secret messages.  They also collaborated in groups to be "text detectives" to solve notorious nursery tale mysteries.  Finally, they honed their writing skills to write friendly letters to their parents.  

Sanjay and Kayden are detectives decoding a message together.

London is enjoying her time in the Book Nook.

Madisyn and Nyla are writing friendly letters. 

Quinn, Willow, and Ava take a break from writing.

Legend is using her neatest cursive writing.

I wonder what Anaya is writing?

Emily is hard at work on her friendly letter. 

Ava and Quinn working together as "Text Detectives."

Madisyn and Kayden are solving the mystery of  "Goldilocks."

"Text Detectives," Willow, Anaya, and Emily solving the mystery of "Snow White."

We Are Family

This year, HCA has Student Families.  Each child in the school is part of a "family" consisting of Middle School, Lower School, and Early Childhood students.  The families will meet occasionally during Day 2 Community Time to work together on projects.  During their first meeting, the families created their personal family shields which will be displayed around the school.  Ask your child who is in their "HCA Family."

2nd & 3rd Grade Co-Op Activity

The 2nd & 3rd Grades got together to have some Co-Op fun.  First, they played an Adjective name game whereby the children had to think of an adjective that began with the letter of their first name such as "Questionable Quinn," or "Awesome Ava," or "Lovely London."  Then they played a Classmate Scavenger Hunt whereby they had to find a classmate with a particular trait and have them sign their paper.  Examples included, "I made my own bed this morning," "I am a good artist," and "I have flown on an airplane."