Sea Turtle Research Project

Third Grade is thoroughly thrilled about sea turtles. Each child chose a sea turtle species and completed a research paper on that turtle. The project focused on note taking, writing an informational piece using complete sentences, proper capitalization, and punctuation. Sea turtles included: Loggerhead, Leather back, Green Sea Turtle, Hawksbill, and Kemp's Ridley. Ask your child what he/she learned about sea turtles.

Here are Anaya, Emily, and Willow reading excerpts from their research papers:
The children are enjoying Spanish class with Senora Soto. Currently, they are learning the letters and sounds of the Spanish alphabet. Did you know that it has more than 26 letters? They are working on writing the letters and learning the sounds of each.
The kids have fun singing in Spanish!!
Religion Class
This month, in religion class, we are learning that just as God kept his promises to the Israelites, he keeps his promises to us, too.
Here are the 3rd boys reciting, "I am the Resurrection and Life."
Friday, February 8 - Parent Visitation
8:00 Registration
8:15 Science Fair Expo
8:45 - 9:50 Classroom Rotations
9:55 - 10:15 Snack
10:30 Middle School One Act Presentations
Friday, February 15 - Monday, February 18 - Presidents' Day Weekend (No School)