Friday, December 17, 2021

Week of December 13 - 17, 2021

SHCJ Nativity Presentation

The Society of the Holy Child Jesus Sisters brought many beautiful Nativities from around the world to HCA last week.  The students completed a scavenger hunt to find various animals and objects within the Nativity presentations.  We thank our SHCJ Sisters for visiting our school and sharing these special Nativities with us.  

The Sisters also gave each of the Lower School children a Nativity Rubik's cube and a sticker ornament to hang on their Christmas trees. 

On with the Snow!
It a wrap on another HCA Christmas show.  The class worked so hard memorizing lines and songs for the Nativity and the "On with the Snow" musical.  I am so proud of all the hard work they put into their Christmas gift for you!  

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
from the Third Grade!

  •  December 18, 2021 - January 3, 2022  - Christmas Break 

  • Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - Return to school

Friday, December 10, 2021

Week of December 6 - 10, 2021

Father Jasper Visits HCA
We thank Father Rich Jasper for visiting with the Lower School division last week. He spoke to the children about the symbols of the Mass. He told them the reason for the vestment pieces he wears and explained the beginning part of the Mass. He will return later in the year to tell them more about the Mass.
The Alb
The Cincture
The Stole
The Chasuble
Animal Classifications

Our student scientists learned about animal taxonomy or the classification of living organisms. They completed an activity about classifying "Aliens" based on the criteria that the partners created.

St. Nicholas Visit

St. Nicholas came to visit the Lower School students on Monday. The children were excited to put their shoes under their lockers and find treats and stickers left behind by St. Nick.

Nativity - Religion Class
In Religion class, students spent some time viewing our school's nativity. In preparation for Christmas, students wondered about what the night of Jesus' birth was really like. They wrote down a "I wonder..." statement and shared their reflections with the class.

  • Sunday, December 12 at 1:30 PM - Please join us for the Family Advent Liturgy in the HCA gym. All are welcome to attend. You can find the RSVP link in the Happenings. We are hosting a toy drive for children from the ages of infancy to 12 years old so please feel free to bring an unwrapped toy. There will also be a bake sale after the Mass. See flyer

  • Thursday, December 16 at 10:00 am - Christmas Gala *Only 2 guests are invited per student 

  • Friday, December 17 - 12:00 Dismissal (1/2 Day of School) - No lunch or HCA+ this day - All students will have a dress down day and may wear holiday colors to school.

  •  December 18, 2021 - January 3, 2022  - Christmas Break 

  • Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - Return from Christmas break