HCA's Got Talent
The 3rd Grade Class is filled with talent. Every student participated in the school Talent Show.
Ava, Emily, and London preformed a dance routine to "Bad Blood."
Legend, Anaya, Nyla, and Madisyn thrilled the crowd with their routine to "Envy Me."
Finally, Quinn, Kayden, Sanjay, and Jude showed off their mathematical prowess with a math flashcards act.
CTP5 Standarized Tests

The class will be taking the CTP 5 standardized tests next week. A sample test was administered on Friday in order for the children to familiarize themselves with the testing format and questions. Formal testing will be on Monday - Wednesday, April 8th - 10th between 8:10 – 11:10 each day.
To better prepare your child for these tests, please make sure that he/she gets to bed early and receives at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Studies show that children should not watch TV or play video games 30 minutes prior to going to bed, as it impedes their ability to fall asleep. It is also suggested that your child eat a healthy breakfast each morning.
The class will receive time in between each test for short bathroom and energizer breaks. Also, there will be no spelling or tests in other subjects given next week.
Lenten Prayer Services - All are Invited!
April 10, 2:05 p.m. Stations of the Cross (Grade 6)
April 18, 8:15 a.m. Fifth Week of Lent (Nursery/Pre-K)
CTP5 Standardized Testing - Monday, April 8th - Wednesday, April 10th
Parent/Teacher Conferences - Thursday, April 11th (Evening) and Friday, April 12th (Morning) No school for students on Friday
Easter Break - No School - Friday, April 19th & Monday, April 22nd
HCA Night at Panera's - April 23rd 4:00 - 8:00 P.M.
"State of the Academy" Meeting for all Parents -
April 30th at 7:00 P.M.