Smile.... Here's to the BEST Third Grade Class!!!
Go Noodle!!
Everyone needs a break, so the Third Grade uses the GoNoodle! website. There are movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts that allow the students to dance, meditate, and get out their wiggles so they can work hard in the classroom.

Learning About the Saints
In religion class last week, each student researched a Saint, then completed a paper, and created a prop to describe the Saint.
Our friends, Joseph & Zayne, were our Character Trait winners this week. Joseph chose, "Bring in a Fuzzy Friend" reward. Here is is with his friend, Pikachu!
Zayne chose, "Take 2," so he got to take two assignments off his seat work list for the day. Congratulations to both of you!
The Lower School has its own Instagram Page

Tuesday, November 26 - Thanksgiving Prayer Service and Teacher Appreciation Ceremony - 1/2 Day of School - Dismissal at 12:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 27 - December 1 - Thanksgiving Break - No School for Students
Sunday, December 8 - Family Christmas Liturgy - 10:00 a.m. All are welcome!!
Monday, December 9 - Christmas Concert for Jr. Choir and Band members
Wednesday, December 18 - Early Childhood and Lower School Christmas Gala at 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, December 19 - Early Childhood and Lower School Grandparents' Day Celebration
Wednesday, December 18 - Early Childhood and Lower School Christmas Gala at 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, December 19 - Early Childhood and Lower School Grandparents' Day Celebration