We've Got the Beat!
We have begun the study of the Circulatory System in Science this week. Student learned about how to find their pulses and measured their pulse rates (with marshmallows) after completing a series of physical activities.

Owen was our Character Traits Student of the Week. Owen exhibited respect, self-control, and honesty. He chose the class favorite reward of "Bring a Fuzzy Friend" to school.


January 25 - Family Fun Night
Week of January 28 - 31 - Women Against Rape Classroom Presentations by Ms. Kim Jester
February 7 - HCA Parent Visitation
February 10 (Snow date) - HCA Parent Visitation
February 14 - No School for Students
February 17 - No School - President's Day Holiday
February 29 - Annual HCA Auction Fundraiser at Springfield Country Club - All are invited!!
February 29 - Annual HCA Auction Fundraiser at Springfield Country Club - All are invited!!