Math Fun
The Third Grade math curriculum includes various forms of measurement. The “Silverfish” math students are learning about volume using the metric units of milliliters and liters.

Parent Visitation at HCA

The class enjoyed spending last Friday morning with their parents during Parent Visitation Day. Students showed their parents how to play the online game, Kahoot! while reviewing math vocabulary. They also had fun playing "Rock, Paper, Scissors" and creating bar graphs and pictographs with the game's results. Everyone showed their creative sides by creating a Valentine themed project in Art class.
Third Grade students created a model of a pumping heart out of a plastic cup, a balloon, and two straws. They learned that an experiment doesn’t always work on the first try, you must make many attempts before it works properly.

February 14 - No School for Students
February 17 - No School - President's Day Holiday
February 29 - Annual HCA Auction Fundraiser at Springfield Country Club - All are invited!!
February 29 - Annual HCA Auction Fundraiser at Springfield Country Club - All are invited!!