The Third Grade “Planeteers” continue to learn ways to protect and save our planet. They created posters and hung them around the school to educate the students and faculty. They participated in a “Waste Free Lunch.“ When packing their lunch, they brought recyclable containers and packed foods that could be composted.

Math Fun!
Learning and mastering the multiplication tables is a large part of the Third Grade math curriculum. Students represent the basic facts by creating arrays.

February 13 - Pajama Day - Bring a new pair of pajamas in on Feb. 13th for Cradles to Crayons Charity.
February 14 - No School for Students
February 17 - No School - President's Day Holiday
February 29 - Annual HCA Auction Fundraiser at Springfield Country Club - All are invited!!
February 29 - Annual HCA Auction Fundraiser at Springfield Country Club - All are invited!!