Celebrating All Abilities Month
We had a special assembly last week celebrating All Abilities Month. Simon is a member of the Acting without Boundaries program for children, teens, and young adults with disabilities. Simon presented the show, Stone Soup, for the Lower School students and spoke about his blindness. Students enjoyed the opportunity to chat with Simon and learn how he lives and succeeds in life as a blind person.
Simon showing his "talking box."
Kent is reading the Braille book of Shakespeare's play, Hamlet.
Students are feeling the Braille text in a Halloween book.
Students enjoyed watching the play, Stone Soup (Philly version!)
Third Graders are touching the Braille in a book of maps.
This week's Character Counts winner is CARA. She exhibited responsibility and a caring and kind attitude towards her classmates. She choose the "Floor Pass" award and got to spend the day doing her work in our comfy book nook. Congratulations, CARA!Halloween Mission Party
Fun was had at the annual HCA Halloween Mission Party! The day began with our Halloween parade, then fun activities in the classroom, following with the Halloween stations in the MPR and gym, and ending with a yummy soft pretzel snack and recess time. Thank you to our 3rd Grade families for contributing to the Drive for our Troops and donating to the HAIS organization.
Have a Happy Halloween!
Monday, November 1 - Winter School Uniforms begin
Thursday, Nov. 11 (PM) and Friday, Nov. 12 (AM) - Parent/Teacher Conferences - See Sign- Up Genius link to sign up for a conference.
No school for students on November 12th
Tuesday, Nov. 23 - 1/2 Day of School - Thanksgiving Prayer Service
Wednesday, Nov. 24 - Sunday, Nov. 28 - Thanksgiving Break