Friday, April 15, 2022

Week of April 11 - 15, 2022


Math Class Scavenger Hunt

As a review of our study of perimeter and area, students worked in teams to complete a scavenger hunt around the classroom.  

The Third Grade class participated in a livestream science class sponsored by PECO Energy.  Through entertaining educational sketches, students learned how energy is wasted, the uses of energy, how energy and electricity are made, and ways to conserve energy.  

Passover Presentation
Mr. and Mrs. Selkowitz, grandparents of Cora in 4th Grade, did a presentation about Passover.  They shared their Jewish traditions with the students at HCA.  

Wishing you a very Happy Easter!!


* No school on Monday, April 18th.  See you on Tuesday!
* Bring in CRS Rice Bowls on Tuesday.