Friday, September 27, 2019

Week of September 23, 2019

We are Family!
The HCA Families gathered together for the first time this year.  This is a wonderful time for the youngest to the oldest students to get together and work on projects, read a book, or just have fun playing together.  Here are some of the kids working on pennants that have been hung together as a sign of family unity.




Animal Adaptations

Our first science unit is about Animal Adaptations and Classifications.  Students are doing research on their Chromebooks to study an animal of their choice and identify their structural or behavioral adaptations.  
The class also had fun conducting an experiment on the adaptations of birds' beaks.  Using a spoon, tweezers, straw, and toothpicks, they found which types of foods are easiest to pick up with their "beaks."




Character Counts

This week's Character Counts students are Scout & Juliana.  He choose "Specialty Seating" and she choose "Bring a Fuzzy Friend to School" as their rewards.  Teachers identified them as exhibiting positive behavior.  
Congratulations, Scout & Juliana!